Orthopaedics is the medical specialty that focuses on injuries and diseases of your body’s musculoskeletal system. This complex system includes your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. This allows you to move, work and be active.
Our orthopaedic surgeons specialize in many of these areas:
- Joint replacement
- Sports Medicine
- Knee & Leg
- Hip
- Shoulder, Arm & Elbow
- Hand & Wrist
- Spine & Neck
- Foot & Ankle
- General Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic providers
Scott A. Swanson , MD
Specialty: Orthopaedics – Foot and Ankle
Medical School: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Residency: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Fellowship: Florida Orthopaedic Institute, International Fellowship Lugano, Switzerland
Health Professional Assisting: Elizabeth Hendrickson, PA-C
Office Name: Nebraska Orthopaedic Center
Website: http://www.nebraskaortho.com